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Heartburn, Acid Indigestion & Other Symptoms

What is heartburn? What is acid indigestion? How do I know which is kicking my butt? Find more information regarding heartburn, acid indigestion, and other symptoms.

How is Wonderbelly Antacid different from other acid indigestion solutions?

Wonderbelly Antacid uses the same active ingredients as the leading brands. We are committed to using excipients that meet our internal standard and are non-GMO and plastic-free.

What foods are common heartburn triggers?

Fatty, spicy, and fried foods are common triggers. Dairy, tomato, and acidic foods are also known to cause heartburn. Alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, and carbonated beverages cause heartburn for many people. Pro tip: keep a record of

How do I know if I have acid reflux?

Different people are affected in different ways. The most common symptoms are:. Heartburn. Regurgitation (food comes back into your mouth from the esophagus). The feeling of food caught in your throat. Coughing. Chest pain. Issues with swallowing. Vo

What is the difference between acid reflux and heartburn?

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux. It’s a painful burning sensation in your chest from irritation of the lining of the esophagus caused by stomach acid.

What are the dangers of acid reflux?

Acid reflux isn’t life-threatening or dangerous in itself, but long-term acid reflux can lead to more serious health problems. Over time, chronic acid reflux can damage the lower esophagus and cause scar tissue to form. The scar tissue narrows the fo

What is GERD?

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or chronic acid reflux is a condition in which acid-containing contents in your stomach persistently leak back up into your esophagus. Experiencing acid reflux and heartburn more than twice a week may indicate G

How are digestive health and mental health related?

There is a connection between your gut and your brain. Research has found that the gastrointestinal system and the central nervous system are in constant communication. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotions like anxiety, anger, sadness,

Does Wonderbelly Antacid help with gas?

No, Wonderbelly Antacid does not contain an active ingredient that helps relieve gas. Wonderbelly Antacid contains calcium carbonate which relieves heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach, and upset stomach associated with these symptoms.

Does Wonderbelly Antacid help with upset stomach and nausea?

Wonderbelly Antacid treat symptoms of upset stomach associated with heartburn, sour stomach, and acid indigestion. Consult your doctor or health care provider if you are experiencing nausea to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Does Wonderbelly Antacid help with diarrhea?

Wonderbelly antacids are not indicated for the treatment of diarrhea. If you are experiencing diarrhea, consult your doctor or health care provider to determine the best treatment option for you.